Digital Project Handover Terms

Our Digital Project Handover terms are direct, allowing both parties to have a formal understanding of a mutual handover.

1. Acceptance of Terms:
1.1 By accepting the digital project handover, the receiving party acknowledges and agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. These terms supersede any prior agreements related to the project and constitute the entire understanding between the parties.

1.2 Upon acceptance of these terms, the client acknowledges the full completion of the original scope of work and receipt of all paid-for services, thereby waiving any future claims related to the aforementioned deliverables.

2. Project Handover:
Upon acceptance, all digital assets, including but not limited to source code, documentation, designs, and relevant files, will be transferred to the receiving party, hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient."

3. Termination of Previous Agreements:
The acceptance of this digital project handover terminates any previous agreements, contracts, or understandings, whether written or verbal, between the parties regarding the project. The Recipient accepts sole responsibility for the project from this point forward.

4. Ownership and Intellectual Property:
The transferring party, hereinafter referred to as the "Transferor," confirms that they have the legal right to transfer ownership of the digital project and associated intellectual property rights. The Recipient assumes full responsibility for compliance with copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws.

5. Liability and Indemnification:
The Recipient accepts full liability for the digital project, including but not limited to its performance, security, and legal compliance. The Recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Transferor from any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising out of or related to the project.

6. Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality:
The Recipient and Transferor agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information, trade secrets, and confidential data associated with the digital project. This obligation continues even after the termination of these terms.

7. Updates and Modifications:
The Recipient is solely responsible for any updates, modifications, or enhancements to the digital project. The Transferor is not obligated to provide ongoing support or make any future changes unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

8. Governing Law:
These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the UK jurisdiction. Any disputes arising under or in connection with these terms shall be resolved directly between the parties before proceeding to legal action.

9. Miscellaneous:
a. Any waiver or modification of these terms must be in writing and signed by both parties. b. If any provision of these terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

By accepting the digital project handover, the Recipient acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Clear Signature